Improving UX with Makefiles

Recently I updated the code for this website to use Makefiles and rely less on one-off shell scripts. The reason for this change was to improve my write-test-release workflow. I figured make is available on all of my computers and it serves as a perfect minimal orchestration tool. I now type make deploy instead of ./ to push a new version of my website up to production. While this may not seem like a lot, it reduced the number of files in my directory.$ ls *.sh

The files are named after their purpose which is good, but I want to remember less files in my project, since most of these files are simple one-liners. For instance, this is


bundle exec middleman build

I originally wrote this because I didn't want to type out the entire bundle exec sequence everytime I rendered my website to static files.

When I decided to move to Makefiles, I have a simple interface that takes each of those one-liners and moves it into a Makefile target. Thus, the above file becomes in make:

build: deps
    @bundle exec middleman build

What is that deps target? It ensures that the system requirements are met for running the bundle command. Since I run Bundler in multiple scripts, this means I can DRY up the dependency checks inside the Makefile, instead of duplicating it among the shell scripts.

Here is my completed Makefile:

.PHONY: build test deploy deps help

AWS_BIN := aws
BUNDLE_BIN := bundle
CURL_BIN := curl


URL := https://$(SERVER)/v2/room/$(ROOM_ID)/notification?auth_token=$(HIPCHAT_TOKEN)

  @hash $(AWS_BIN) > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
    (echo "Install aws to continue."; exit 1)
  @hash $(BUNDLE_BIN) > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
    (echo "Install bundler to continue."; exit 1)
  @hash $(CURL_BIN) > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
    (echo "Install curl to continue."; exit 1)
  @test -n "$(HIPCHAT_TOKEN)" || \
    (echo "HIPCHAT_TOKEN env must be set"; exit 1)

  @echo "Builds, tests, and deploys the static website files"
  @echo ""
  @echo "Targets:"
  @echo "  build     Renders the static website"
  @echo "  help      This message"
  @echo "  deploy    Uploads static website to S3"
  @echo "  deps      Ensures the system requirements are met"
  @echo "  test      Starts a local server to view static website"

build: deps
  @$(BUNDLE_BIN) exec middleman build

test: deps
  @$(BUNDLE_BIN) exec middleman server

deploy: deps
  @$(AWS_BIN) s3 sync build/ s3://$(BUCKET)
  @$(CURL_BIN) -X POST \
       -d @notification.json \
       --header "Content-Type:application/json" \

With this I now have a simple UI to building, testing, and releasing new website articles:$ make help
Builds, tests, and deploys the static website files

  build     Renders the static website
  help      This message
  deploy    Uploads static website to S3
  deps      Ensures the system requirements are met
  test      Starts a local server to view static website

This also allowed me to remove all of the shell scripts and replace it with one Makefile, making an awesome commit:$ git rm *.sh$ git add Makefile$ git commit -m 'Makefiles FTW!'

Makefiles aren't for everyone or every situation, but when you consider the cost of maintaining separate one-liner shell scripts, you might find that using a simple build tool provides better UX and less cognitive load.